• Doctor of Health Science (Occupational Therapy)

  • Professional Diploma in Occupational Therapy

  • Registered Occupational Therapist (Hong Kong)

An Occupational therapist is a healthcare professional who works with individuals of any age to promote and enable effective participation in day-to-day tasks of everyday life at home, work and during leisure time. Through professional skills and therapeutic activities, the primary goal of occupational therapy is to help individuals enhance their health, quality of life and resume their normal life roles after illness or injury that may prevent them from doing things they did or had before.

Scope of service:-
☆ Correct use of ergonomics in everyday living
☆ Occupational lifestyle redesign program
☆ Home safety assessment
☆ Pain management
☆ Cognitive assessment
☆ Upper limb rehabilitation
☆ Bowen therapy
☆ Health Qigong

A. 保雲療法 (Bowen Therapy)

保雲療法是一種自然療法,最初由澳洲湯姆保雲(Tom Bowen)先生在20世紀70年代開發。它是一種溫和輕鬆的橫向撥離手法,通過肌肉反射來提醒中樞神經系統在肌張高的區域放鬆,用於釋放筋膜和肌肉骨骼系統中的張力,促進血液和淋巴的流動。可減輕疼痛和身體緊張狀態。治療手法溫和及安全,可幫助舒緩身體關節的急性或慢性痛症,如頸痛、肩膀痛、腰背痛、膝蓋及腳痛。

形式: 每次治療時間約45分鐘,相隔約兩星期接受治療一次。

B. 健身氣功八段錦 (Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin)


形式: 八段錦班為期四堂,每堂一小時。

C. 職業治療之健康生活實踐課程 (Occupational Lifestyle Re-design Program)

課程對象:因慢性疾病或長期痛楚而影響日常生活變得被動、感到身心不健康及生活提不起勁。 課程內容: 透過行動計劃、健康活動如八段錦、開心活動體驗、正向心理等去發掘個人的潛能,認識身心健康,建立及實踐一個均衡及有義意的生活模式。

形式: 課程一共四堂。每星期一堂。每堂1.5小時。